The COVID-19 Pandemic, which has put the world in lockdown, has meant that The Jive Cape Town Funny Festival delivered by Turkish Airlines, has been cancelled.

In consultation with our headline sponsor, Jive, and in the interests of community health and safety, Funny Festival producer Eddy Cassar, has decided to cancel the 2020 Jive Cape Town Funny Festival, which was to have taken place at the Baxter Theatre from 15 June – 12 July 2020.

“It would have been irresponsible for us to continue, especially with the great support we get from our loyal audience and partners. We will move this year’s Festival to 2021, and come back bigger and better than ever.

The Baxter Theatre, our home since inception in 1997, has given us prime dates of 31 May – 27 June 2021, well after the Holy Fast and before the popular British and Irish Lions Tour of South Africa in July and August next year.

I was excited and confident with the artists I selected for this year’s Funny Festival and, therefore, I have extended an invitation to them to participate in the 2021 Cape Town Funny Festival. They include master puppeteers, Cabaret Decadence from Montreal, Japanese mime Yosuke Ikeda and UK magician and finalist of Britain’s Got Talent, Graeme Mathews.

“I have been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic and generous support of our partners, who over the years have made the Funny Festival one of Cape Town’s most popular events. It certainly is this City’s Winter Comedic Tonic”.

Ticket booking partners, Webtickets is prepared to either repay ticket holders in full or transfer patron’s ticket purchases to the 2021 Funny Festival, for which booking is already open. Contact

“When we come out of lockdown, we will all be in serious need of heaps of laughter, social interaction and comedy, to reset our compasses and recover from this difficult time. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy and we look forward to producing another great Jive Cape Town Funny Festival in 2021.